Due to the ice, our usual Sunday service is canceled. 

The Gift of a Snow/Ice Day

Due to the ice and weather, we won’t be gathering for our normal Sunday service this morning. This creates a unique opportunity to worship, reflect, and rest in creative ways.

As we often say, church isn’t just a building or an event—it’s a group of people loving Jesus, each other, and the world. While our regular Sunday service helps us grow in these loves, it isn’t the only way. Today, we can also:

  • Make waffles

  • Go sledding

  • Read a good book

  • Sing songs

  • Shovel snow (or even shovel your neighbor’s snow)

  • Pray for each neighbor by name

  • And more!

I invite you to see this morning as a gift—an opportunity to spend imaginative time with God and others. How can you delight in and enjoy God’s good creation? Who can you invite, call, or bless? How can you worship?

Some tools that might be helpful:

  • An interview about Sabbath, holistic living, and resisting busyness: Watch Here

  • We are studying the Gospel according to Luke this year—maybe take some time to read some or even all of it.

  • If you’re really hoping for a sermon today, consider re-watching (or catching up)  a sermon you may have missed. Our YouTube Channel

But don’t see any of these as “have to’s”—today is a great day to rest and connect in your own way.

As we begin this snowy/icy day, let’s reflect on this Sabbath prayer blessing from the Lectio 365 app:

May this day bring Sabbath rest
to my heart and my home.
May God’s image in me be restored,
and my imagination in God be re-storied.
May the gravity of material things be lightened,
and the relativity of time slow down.
May I know grace to embrace my own finite smallness
in the arms of God’s infinite greatness.
May God’s Word feed me and His Spirit lead me
into the week and life to come.

Embrace the gift of this snow day—an invitation to pause, reflect, and celebrate the abundant life God has given us.