Serve Albany

Serve Albany fosters collaboration between non-profits, community leaders, and volunteers seeking the shalom* of Albany, NY.

*The meaning of the Hebrew word “שׁלום” is at minimum “peace.” However, our understanding of the word Shalom can be limited by our understanding of the English word ‘peace.’ Shalom does include the idea of an absence of war(violence), but it also includes a sense of wellbeing, wholeness, security, rest, goodness, abundance, prosperity.

Serve Albany works to unite those seeking to bring these ideas to life within the peoples, neighborhoods, and systems of Albany, NY.

Join our Group

Find out about the latest ways to Serve Albany by joining our Facebook group.

Search for places to Serve.

Our partners at the United Way have put together this great tool to search for ways to serve and volunteer.

Non-Profit or Community Leaders

Would like to connect with other non-profit or community leaders? Are you a community member who wants to invest more in our city? Sign up here for information about our Serve Albany Brunches, which focus on connection and collaboration as we work for the good of our city!

‘Work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.’ Jeremiah 29:7

‘ It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ – Jesus (Acts 20:35)