Live Sunday Services

We can grow when we come together to sing, learn and connect.

Why we Gather?

We gather for live services every Sunday at 10:30am.

You can join these services, at 10:30 a.m. either at the building (181 Western Ave) or online.

The goal is to bring together our entire church family including guests for connection, prayer, teaching, and singing.

CCKIDS live check-in and café begin at 10:10 a.m.

Volunteer at a Service.

Church is more than a service.

When people think of “church” they think of a building or the Sunday service. These are NOT the church, they ARE helpful tools in growing in love.

As well as Sunday Service, we want to engage in other tools and habits to grow to love Jesus, Each Other, and the World.


Growing kids is a team sport.

Each Sunday our kids meet with peers and teachers to learn the life of loving Jesus, Each Other, and The World.

All Preschool and Elementary Kids are welcome. Check-in begins at 10:10 a.m.

Be a part of live services anytime & anywhere.


Sunday service is just the beginning; the best way to grow is in conversation with others. Subscribe to our weekly email to receive questions and actions to help us better understand and apply what we are learning. These conversations not only help us better follow Jesus, but foster deep relationships with others. You can discuss these questions with your 1:1, a friend, or with family.

Contact Us